
We have helped so many athletes across sports that have benefited from our nutrition coaching.

Take a look at our success stories!

  • Games Athlete

    Danielle Brandon
    Danielle Brandon

    I have BIG goals! I wanted to get stronger and more fit all around and found CBG is getting me there! I’m on a journey and I’m working hard to keep consistent with my diet to reach my goals. I am a work in progress and CBG is getting me there!

  • Semifinals Athlete

    Adam Dycus
    Adam Dycus

    I started working with Taylor about 14 months ago and it’s been the best decision I have made regarding my journey. He’s been where I want to be (regional/sanctional athlete) so it just made sense. CBG is the place to be if you want to see yourself grow as an athlete! There is nothing like personalized programming!

  • CF Games Masters Athlete

    Alan Bates
    Alan Bates

    I have followed several nutrition plans over the years in my journey to qualify for the Games.

    My goal is to find the right body weight to maximize strength and gymnastics. Since starting with Justin… I have gained 12 pounds and feel great. My strength has improved and my gymnastics are feeling great.

    I definitely have some added confidence knowing I have a coach that I can check in with to update my progress and answer questions on the fly. Very happy with CBG…

  • Body Recomposition & Performance

    Amanda Krampf
    Amanda Krampf

    …Before committing to working with [Justin] I had bounced around from every “nutrition” program under the sun. I would start to lose weight then gain it back, plus some. I was starting to lose hope that I would be able to hit my physique goal while also maintaining performance… He provided me with the template for success…

    Thank you, Justin, for all of your support & guidance. Best part is that we aren’t done yet!

  • Scared to Eat Carbs & Hypothyroidism

    Amy Romero
    Amy Romero

    100% WORTH EVERY. SINGLE. PENNY. Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism several years- i was lost as to what to eat & when…

    I have been able to maintain the weight lost using the Intrinsic Method and still maintaining during Corona 2020! Completely Worth IT. I’d highly recommend their expertise to anyone who needs help and who is committed to the process. You are given everything that is needed for a lifestyle.

  • Tired of Tracking Macros

    Ashley Cave
    Ashley Cave

    I can’t thank CBG nutrition for all that they have done! After being an athlete for the past 14 years and a collegiate for 4 years, I was lost and had no clue how to fuel my body…

    Not only does the Intrinsic Diet work but it makes you feel stronger in the gym and makes you a more confident, you!

    To anyone thinking of doing it, DO IT, with time and consistency, it really does work!

  • Adaptive Athlete

    Brett Horchar
    Brett Horchar

    As a Games athlete and someone with a neuromuscular disease, nutrition is a huge part of my regimen. I had tinkered with my diet by myself for the past years, but I always felt there were things I was missing. That’s when I found Justin…

    He made sure that my plan was for me and helped me reach my goals. If there’s anyone you should put your trust into as a dietician and coach, it’s Justin.

  • Masters Athlete

    Bruce McLaughlan
    Bruce McLaughlan

    My coach’s insights and understanding, especially working with a competitive Masters athlete, have led to several breakthroughs in my performance nutrition. I’m noticing improvements in my body composition, emotional well-being, and on the leaderboard. She continues to fine-tune my nutrition plan, based on feedback and results, and I look forward to our continued progress.

  • Coach Was Not Getting Results

    Chuck Labas
    Chuck Labas

    At the beginning of this year I was well on my way back to living an unhealthy lifestyle. In March I was able to start turning things around thanks to a @cfspeakeasy nutrition challenge led by Justin from @cbg_online_sports…

    I’m feeling better than I have in a very long time, and I’m confident I can keep it up because I’m actually excited about doing what’s right for ME…

  • Endurance Runner

    Courtney Decker
    Courtney Decker

    Working with Justin and his team, at Consistency Breeds Growth, has helped take my athletic performance to the next level.

    Throughout this one on one coaching, I have learned what is beneficial to me to increase stamina, endurance, and strength. Justin has taught me a great deal about what foods to eat before, during, and after exercise and racing.

    I cannot say enough great things about Consistency Breeds Growth.

  • Busy wife and avid exerciser

    Dana Lugo
    Dana Lugo

    Quarantine diet hasn’t felt like a diet at all! Change is hard but working with CBG makes attaining my ultimate goal of establishing new eating habits that can be sustained for a lifetime easy. I’ve learned so much about food choices and how and when to fuel my body for workouts. I’ve never looked and felt this good.

  • Better Relationship With Food

    Gwen Morris
    Gwen Morris

    I have been a games athlete for several years now who has competed in various events and competitions…

    I transformed my habits and relationship with food! I’ve never felt this energized, strong, and comfortable with my body and eating habits…

    [I] have been learning to understand how to be in touch with my body and it’s needs, fueling properly, and treating myself in moderation.

  • Weight Gain From Menopause

    Jill Cohen
    Jill Cohen

    I have been working out since my 20’s and always knew how to eat and workout in order to reach my goal. Fast forward to turning 50, 20lbs overweight trying to justify where I was at.

    I stopped resisting and started on this journey… With patience and the help of Justin, I’ve lost a total of 16lbs… SO FAR.

    Justin has been a great coach, has always been available if I’ve gotten stuck or confused… and has definitely been a great cheerleader as I made progress.

  • First Responder & Athlete

    Joe Massey
    Joe Massey

    I was never one to believe in / understand the importance of eating properly based on my fitness goals. I decided to give CBG a chance and I couldn’t be happier with the results… my endurance in workouts drastically improved and more importantly, my recovery times have gone down considerably…

  • Body Recomposition

    Josh Pearce
    Josh Pearce

    …With CBG, I was able to cut my body fat to get the aesthetics I wanted, all while maintaining strength and my endurance constantly increasing. Justin has helped me rethink how and when I should eat based on the active and busy lifestyle that I have. Couldn’t be happier with the choice of going with CBG.

  • Postpartum Recovery

    Karley Ann Glezen
    Karley Ann Glezen

    Justin and his team go above and beyond for their clients. I can’t say enough about CBG…. The progress I have made in just the four months that I have been with CBG is incredible, not only physically but mentally, and I am so excited to see that continue…. But for me personally, the best part is the relationships I have developed through CBG!

  • Woman Who Does 4-5 WODs/Week

    Lexie Magaard
    Lexie Magaard

    Working with Justin the last couple months has been life changing!! My ultimate goal was to lose fat and gain muscle. I’ve been doing 4-5 WODs per week for 5 years now and just wanted an extra push to start seeing real results. The combo of an easy to follow nutrition plan, killer workouts and the support of good coach is what is really making the difference for me. I weigh more in my “after” photo then I do in my “before” and I’m not done yet!! LFG!!

  • Autoimmune Disease, Personal Trainer and Coach

    Rita Hicks
    Rita Hicks

    I got diagnosed last year with Hashimoto’s… I know sounds like a cool motorcycle, but it’s a very uncool autoimmune disease… So, once I found out I had an under active thyroid, low testosterone and loads of other endocrine problems I dove into research on fixing it.

    I can say that 12 weeks into the program I have completely changed my body composition. I gained muscle, lost fat, but most important I changed my relationship with food.

    I can’t thank Justin Romaire enough he literally changed my life.

  • Postpartum, Mom of Three

    Sarah Hughes
    Sarah Hughes

    After having 3 children I greatly struggled to lose weight. My life was busy with a full time career and being a mother of 3 wild boys. I started working out at a local gym but needed help with my nutrition… This program taught me a lot about my nutrition, metabolism, and the power of consistency.

  • Lost Over 100 Pounds

    Shannon Fary
    Shannon Fary

    Working with Justyna Marie Dapuzzo is simply one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

    She showed me that my relationship with food doesn’t need to be complicated. I don’t need to fear carbs and I don’t need a number on a scale to validate me!

    Justyna has taught me valuable life lessons and sustainable habits. Food is fuel and I know that now.

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