Shannon Fary

Shannon Fary

Lost Over 100 Pounds

Working with Justyna Marie Dapuzzo is simply one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’ve had many coaches over the years but hands down none have been as supportive and in-tune with my goals as Justyna has been. She helped me take the focus off the number on the scale and shift to building life changing muscle!!! She showed me that my relationship with food doesn’t need to be complicated. I don’t need to fear carbs and I don’t need a number on a scale to validate me! This switch in mindset lead to overall empowerment. I started to see myself differently. I’m no longer ashamed of my flaws. I don’t pick apart my body anymore, I choose to love it for what it does for me. I put the work in and with the nutritional knowledge I’ve gained here I know I will reach all my goals in time. I started this journey in 2020 tracking every macro I ate for 14 months. When I came across CBG I was suffering from extreme burnout and frustration. I didn’t know how I was going to get off the tracking roller coaster without gaining the weight back. I also wasn’t seeing the strength gains I wanted because I was under eating for a long time. Justyna has taught me valuable life lessons and sustainable habits. Food is fuel and I know that now. In 5 months, my body has morphed into something I love and barely recognize. The difference between the last set of pictures is only 5#. Body recomposition is doable with the right support and coaching behind you. I’ve smashed every strength goal I set for myself. So many new PR’s and muscles. I can’t wait to see where the next 6 months takes me. Thank you Justyna for being everything I didn’t know I needed. You are truly the kind of woman that inspires the rest of us!

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