Become stronger and find out how CBG has helped our client shed 15 pounds at 47 years old!
Alida Lopez was stuck.
“I got to an age where everything that was working before wasn’t working anymore, and I was like, I don’t even know what to do anymore”, said the 47-year-old Lopez about her nutrition two years ago.
She worked out regularly, four to five days a week, and was eating healthy foods, but no matter what she did, “I couldn’t lose even half a pound,” she said frustratingly.
Lopez tried all kinds of things, like logging everything she was eating in her My Fitness Pal app, and doing more conditioning after her training sessions. She had a battle with her hormones. “Nope, nothing is going to happen,’” she commented in disappointment.
She even tried working with a couple of nutrition companies, but their only suggestion seemed to be for her to go for a walk because her body must be stressed.
In the meantime, CBG grabbed Lopez’s attention.
She was skeptical about reaching out, as nutrition coaches hadn’t helped her much in the past. Eventually, though, she thought, “What do I have to lose?”
So a year-and-a-half ago, Lopez took the plunge and signed on with CBG and lost 15 pounds! What fantastic results!
The CBG Difference
A year-and-a-half in, CBG Coach Amanda Goedde has helped Lopez more than she ever thought possible.
Not only has Lopez lost those 15 pounds she wanted to lose—from 150 pounds down to 135 pounds—her performance in the gym has skyrocketed.
“I feel stronger than I have in my whole life. I’m getting PRs in all my lifts. I didn’t think I’d PR my deadlift again, but I have,” she said.
Further, she’s eating more food than she was when she wasn’t able to make any body composition changes.
“All of a sudden I started losing weight, and I was eating so much more,” she said, adding that protein was probably the biggest area of increase.
“And my body started to like it. I started getting hungrier and hungrier, whereas before I didn’t even feel hungry. I was just in a lull,” she said, adding that all of a sudden it felt like her body was working efficiently again.
Lopez credits Goedde’s focus on meal timing as a big reason for this.
“Before, I’d be like, ‘Oh, it’s 4 pm and I haven’t eaten anything since 9 a.m. Timing was something I was definitely missing,” Lopez said.
On top of all this, Lopez said she’s no longer afraid of fat like she was before.
“Before, I’d be afraid of the fat, even in an avocado, but now I know my body needs it,”
she said.
The Goedde Difference
While increasing her protein intake and fixing her meal timing have been game changers for Lopez, the biggest difference maker of all has been having a coach like
Goedde to help her navigate her life.
“It’s about accountability. She’s not only my coach, she’s my friend,” Lopez said.
A coach and friend Lopez especially needed in recent months after losing her 86-year-old mother in the fall.
“She has helped me through the last three months. It has been a frickin shit show. I needed that support in a time where I easily could have just gone the other way,” Lopez said.
For example, on days where Lopez just didn’t think she could make it to the gym, Goedde would suggest something like, “OK, just do the strength piece today.”
Simple suggestions like this helped Lopez continue to hit the gym four or five days a week despite grieving losing her mother, she explained.
“Her encouragement in the last few months…I’ll never forget that,” Lopez said.
And so, a year-and-a-half in, Lopez has every intention to continue working with Goedde, now, and well into the future.
“Yes, at this point I could probably do this on my own, but it’s more fun with her,” Lopez added.